Department meetings: 2022-2023. academic year, 1. semester

2022-2023. academic year, 1. semester

on Tuesdays, LSB F008-009

Date Principal Investigator Lecturer Title Type
6th September 2022.         
13th September 2022.         
20th September 2022.         
27th September 2022.  Dr. Péter Nagy Mrs. Ágnes Bihari Batta Calibration of intensity-based FRET measurements with microbeads with calibrated binding sites research
4th October 2022. Dr. György Panyi  Mrs. Kashmala Shakeel Modified peptide toxins with therapeutic potential to target Kv1.3 ion channel in brain tissue research
11th October 2022. Dr. György Vámosi  Ms. Pialy Sen Interaction of nuclear receptors and chromatin studied by FCS and FRAP research
18th October 2022. Dr. Zoltán Varga Dr. Ádám Fehér Current pharmacological challenges in ion channel research: Testing potential hHv1 inhibitors research
19th October 2022. LSB seminar!

Dr. György Baffy 

Department of Medicine, VA Boston Healthcare System, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA

Biomechanical aspects of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease  
25th October 2022. Dr. György Vereb LSB seminar on Wednesday instead    
26th October 2022.  LSB seminar! Mireya Paulina Velasquez, M.D.
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, TN, USA
CAR T cell therapy for High Risk Leukemias  
1st November 2022.  HOLIDAY - - -
8th November 2022.  Dr. János Szöllősi Biwott Kipchumba Expression and physiologic role of P-glycoprotein in subsets of cytotoxic T cells research
15th November 2022.  Dr. Péter Nagy  Gabriella Tóth The cellular uptake and endosomal release of penetratins research
22nd November 2022.  Dr. Gábor Szabó Dr. Gábor Szabó Perspectives of targeted epigenetic modulation in cancer therapy research
29th November 2022.  Dr. Katalin Goda Zsuzsanna Gyöngy Fluoreszcenciás módszerek kidolgozása ABC transzporterek katalitikus ciklusának vizsgálatára, valamint hal hibridek ploiditásának meghatározására (Hungarian) preparing for PhD defense
6th December 2022.  Dr. László Mátyus       
13th December 2022. EXAM PERIOD - - -
20th December 2022. EXAM PERIOD - - -




Updated: 2022.11.25.

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