Quantitative receptor analysis group

Prof. Péter Nagy



Head of the group

Péter Nagy, MD, PhD, DSc








Introduction of the research group




  • Ágnes Szabó, PhD, research fellow
  • Tamás Kovács, MD, PhD, assistant lecturer
  • Gyula Batta, PhD, assistant professor
  • Tímea Hajdu, PhD, research fellow
  • Tímea Szendi-Szatmári, PhD, research fellow
  • Ágnes Batta, PhD student
  • Tayde Gabriela Serrano Cano, PhD student
  • Máté Szabó, PhD student
  • Rita Utasi-Szabó, laboratory assistant






Former members of the group

Tímea Váradi, PhD, research fellow 



Research projects

1. Clustering of ErbB proteins

2. The effect of the lipid environment of the cell membrane on the clustering and cell biological function of membrane proteins

3. Medical implications of the cell membrane and membrane lipids

4. Methodological developments related to fluorescence labeling of cells and Förster resonance energy transfer


Representative publications

  • Reducing the detrimental effects of saturation phenomena in FRET microscopy

Szendi-Szatmári T, Szabó Á, Szöllősi J, Nagy P

         Anal Chem, 91: 6378-6382 (2019)




  • Alterations in the properties of the cell membrane due to glycosphingolipid accumulation in a model of Gaucher disease

Batta G, Soltész L, Kovács T, Bozó T, Mészár Z, Kellermayer M, Szöllősi J, Nagy P.

Sci Rep. 8: 157 (2018)




  • The Effect of Fluorophore Conjugation on Antibody Affinity and the Photophysical Properties of Dyes

Szabó Á, Szenti-Szatmári T, Ujlaky-Nagy L, Rádi I, Vereb G, Szöllősi J, Nagy P.

Biophys J, 114:688-700 (2018)




  • The dipole potential correlates with lipid raft markers in the plasma membrane of living cells.

Kovács T, Batta G, Zákány F, Szöllősi J, Nagy P.

J Lipid Res. 58(8):1681-1691 (2017)




  • The Dipole Potential Modifies the Clustering and Ligand Binding Affinity of ErbB Proteins and Their Signaling Efficiency.

Kovács T, Batta G, Hajdu T, Szabó Á, Váradi T, Zákány F, Csomós I, Szöllősi J, Nagy P.

Sci Rep. 6:35850 (2016)



  • rFRET: A comprehensive, Matlab-based program for analyzing intensity-based ratiometric microscopic FRET experiments.

Nagy P, Szabó Á, Váradi T, Kovács T, Batta G, Szöllősi J.

Cytometry A. 89(4):376-84 (2016)



  • Maximum likelihood estimation of FRET efficiency and its implications for distortions in pixelwise calculation of FRET in microscopy.

Nagy P, Szabó A, Váradi T, Kovács T, Batta G, Szöllősi J.

Cytometry A. 85(11):942-52 (2014)




  • Epigallocatechin 3-O-gallate induces 67 kDa laminin receptor-mediated cell death accompanied by downregulation of ErbB proteins and altered lipid raft clustering in mammary and epidermoid carcinoma cells.

Mocanu MM, Ganea C, Georgescu L, Váradi T, Shrestha D, Baran I, Katona E, Nagy P, Szöllősi J.

J Nat Prod. 77(2):250-7 (2014)




  • Binding of trastuzumab to ErbB2 is inhibited by a high pericellular density of hyaluronan.

Váradi T, Mersich T, Auvinen P, Tammi R, Tammi M, Salamon F, Besznyák I Jr, Jakab F, Baranyai Z, Szöllősi J, Nagy P.

J Histochem Cytochem. 60(8):567-75 (2012)




  • Distribution of resting and ligand-bound ErbB1 and ErbB2 receptor tyrosine kinases in living cells using number and brightness analysis.

Nagy P, Claus J, Jovin TM, Arndt-Jovin DJ.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 107(38):16524-9 (2010)




  • Coclustering of ErbB1 and ErbB2 revealed by FRET-sensitized acceptor bleaching.

Szabó A, Szöllősi J, Nagy P.

Biophys J. 99(1):105-14 (2010)




  • Quantitative characterization of the large-scale association of ErbB1 and ErbB2 by flow cytometric homo-FRET measurements.

Szabó A, Horváth G, Szöllősi J, Nagy P.

Biophys J. 95(4):2086-96 (2008)




  • EGFR and ErbB2 are functionally coupled to CD44 and regulate shedding, internalization and motogenic effect of CD44.

Pályi-Krekk Z, Barok M, Kovács T, Saya H, Nagano O, Szöllősi J, Nagy P.

Cancer Lett. 263(2):231-42 (2008)



  • Hyaluronan-induced masking of ErbB2 and CD44-enhanced trastuzumab internalisation in trastuzumab resistant breast cancer.

Pályi-Krekk Z, Barok M, Isola J, Tammi M, Szöllősi J, Nagy P.

Eur J Cancer. 43(16):2423-33 (2007)



Updated: 2022.01.25.

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