Department meetings: 2020-2021. academic year, 2.  semester


2020-2021. academic year, 2.  semester 

Every Tuesday, 08:30-10:00



Date Principal Investigator Lecturer Title Type
09th February 2021.         
16th February 2021. Dr. György Vereb      educational
23rd February 2021. Dr. György Vereb  Dr. Zsolt Fazekas    educational
2nd March 2021. Dr. Gábor Szabó  Dr. Gergely Szakács  Targeting efflux transporters in multidrug resistant cancer: an unfinished business  research
9th March 2021.  Dr. Gábor Szabó  Dr. Erfaneh Firouziniaki Chromatin: a Playground of Drug Interaction Preparing for PhD defense
16th March 2021.  Dr. György Vámosi Ádám Kenesei IL-15 trans-presentation is an autonomous, antigen-independent process research
23rd March 2021.  Dr. Zoltán Varga  Dr. Ferenc Papp Model for the conformational change of voltage gated proton channel based on fluorescence measurements research
30th March 2021. Dr. György Vereb  Marianna Csaplár  Culture conditions determine efficacy, differentition and long-term persistence of HER2 specific CAR T cells research
April 06th 2021.  Dr. György Panyi  Prof. Dr. med. Andrea Olschewski (Medical University of Graz, Austria) Ion channels in the pulmonary circulation research
13th April 2021.  Dr. György Panyi  Prof. Dr. Zoltán Papp  ACE/ACE2 balance, cardiovascular diseases and COVID-19 research
20th April 2021.  Dr. Zoltán Varga Dr. Florina Zákány Characterization of direct cyclodextrin effects on Kv1.3 channel research
27th April 2021.  Dr. Péter Nagy  Ágnes Batta Development of a new approach for determining parameter alpha, required for determining the FRET efficiency research
28th April 2021. (Wednesday!)   Dr. Botond Roska online LSB seminar LSB seminar
4th May 2021.  Dr. György Vámosi Bálint Rehó  Measurement of mobility and dimerization of nuclear receptors using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy research
11th May 2021.  Dr. László Mátyus Dr. Miklós Kellermayer   research


Updated: 2021.04.30.

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