Kuljeet Singh

Cell phone: 
2000 to 2003
BSc. Zoology, Botany, Chemistry
Meerut college Meerut, India
2003 to 2005
Msc. Zoology with immunoparasitology specialization, Department of Zoology
CCS University campus Meerut, India
2006 to 2008
MPhil, Master of philosophy : Reaserch methods , immunology Department of Zoology
C.C.S. University campus Meerut, India
PhD student
Department of Biophysics and Cell Biology Faculty of Medicine, University of Debrecen
Assignments / positions
2010 to 2014
Area manager mahindra & Mahindra
ASA Ltd chandigarh, India
2015 to 2016
Reaserch assistant
Allele Life Sciences Pvt Ltd, Noida, India
Scientific qualification / title
MSc: Zoology
Cryoprservation of breeding bull semen & physical evaluation.
Reaserch methods, Immunology
Responses of two bird species exposed to t-photocycles.
Fields of interest
ABC transporters structure,function and expression, cell signaling.
Language skills
Mother tongue: 
Hindi, Punjabi, Sanskrit
Other information
Scientific Publications:
Number of independentcitations (Google Scholar) száma:
(Google Schoolar)
Hirsch Index (Google Scholar):
(Google Schoolar)
Number of PhDstudentswhohaveobtained a degree:
Number of studentswhowrotehis/herthesis (BSc/MSc) withyoursupervisingattheDepartment
Number of studentswhowona placeat OTDK

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