RiFRET - an ImageJ plugin for the evaluation of intensity-based FRET images of live cells
RiFRET is an ImageJ plugin which calculates FRET efficiencies pixel-by-pixel based on intensity-based ratiometric FRET (donor, acceptor and sensitized emission) images. The program allows the user to correct for the possible crosstalks and for autofluorescence, furthermore, to calculate FRET for image stacks/series, i.e. for 3D data sets. Semi-automatic processing is also included in this software. The program works with single tiff and tiff/lsm stack images.
If you are using the plugin, please cite the following paper, in which the program and the analysis are described:
Roszik J, Lisboa D, Szollosi J, Vereb G: Evaluation of Intensity-Based Ratiometric FRET in Image Cytometry-Approaches and a Software Solution, Cytometry Part A 2009; 75A:761-767.
Prospective users should read this paper before running the program. It is available at Cytometry Part A.
Terms of Use
Download (version 1.82, 10 Apr 2009)
Download Excel files for alpha factor calculation
iterative approximation method (Method 2 in the paper)
calculation with a set of FRET pair chimeras (Method 3 in the paper)
(Method 1 and the calculation of the ratio of molar absorption coefficients are included in the program.)
Download example images
(cell line: HeLa, donor: CFP (Cerulean), acceptor: YFP (Venus) - we used the C5V and C17V fusion constructs described in Koushik et al., Biophys J 2006;91:L99)
Download stack example
(with the C17V Cerulean-Venus construct)
If you are using the acceptor photobleaching FRET method, we recommend our other FRET plugin AccPbFRET.
Updated: 2018.07.17.
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