Core Facility - Services
The main task of the Sándor Damjanovich Cell Analyses Core Facility is maintaining the instruments of BSI and providing access for researchers. Another main goal of the Core Facility is to support high-quality scientific research, our colleagaues can undertake the assistance and implementation of a wide range of measurements in a service-oriented manner:
Zeiss LSM880 – Airy-scan confocal laser scanning microscope
- co-localization analyses with 200 nm resolution
- multichannel confocal imaging
- dual channel fluorescent correlation and cross-correlation spectroscopy
- optical sectioning, 3D reconstruction
OLYMPUS FluoView FV1000 confocal microscope
- co-localization analyses with 200 nm resolution
- multichannel confocal imaging
- multichannel fluorescent correlation and cross-correlation spectroscopy
- optical sectioning, 3D reconstruction
- FRET, FRAP measurements
Nikon N-STORM Super-Resolution Inverted Microscope
- confocal imaging
- dSTORM, 3D STORM imaging, ~20 nm resolution
- fixed and living cell samples with single molecule detection,
- imaging with TIRF illumination
- intracellular trafficking
PicoQuant - FLIM
- multichannel fluorescence lifetime imaging
- Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET)
- multichannel fluorescence anisotropy imaging
- multicolor fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS, FCCS)
- multichannel fluorescence imaging
LSC – iCys laser scanning cytometer
- light scattering analyses
- recording multiple parameters from a large number of cells
- cellular morphology analyses
- histological samples, adherent or interacting cells
- multichannel fluorescence imaging
FLIM-TIRF Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscope
- multicolor fluorescence lifetime imaging with TIRF/wide field illumination
- fluorescence lifetime determination
- fast CCD imaging
- multicolor fluorescence imaging with TIRF/wide field illumination
- fixed and live cell samples with single molecule detection
Olympus - TIRF total internal reflection fluorescence
- co-localization analyses with 200 nm resolution
- fixed and living cell samples with single molecule detection
- imaging with TIRF (total internal reflection fluorescence) illumination
- multichannel fluorescent imaging
- TIRF-FCS, 2D fluorescence correlation spectroscopy
Novocyte 3000 RYB flow cytometer
- recording multiple fluorescence and light scattering parameters on a cell-by-cell basis
- automated measurement of a large number of cells in microplates
- Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET)
- cell viability measurements
- determination of cell surface protein expression level
Yobin Yvon Fluorolog spectrofluorometer
- measurement of fluorescence excitation and emission spectra
- fluorescence anisotropy
- kinetic measurements
- Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET)
- 90 degree and front-face detection
Electrophysiology workstation
- patch clamp measurements
- determination of intracellular Ca2+ concentration
- fast microscopic fluorimetry (~ms)
- fluorescence microscopy
- microinjection
- ratiometric fluorescence measurements
Updated: 2020.05.10.