Core Facility - Instruments
Only authorized and trained Users are allowed to use the Equipment in the Core Facility!
Users need to attend an instrument specific training program before being allowed to sign up to use the equipment independently!
The instruments of the core facility laboratory are available for a fee: Link
Instrument times can be booked through the online instrument reservation system: Link
Online instrument reservation system registration: Link
Instruments of the Core Facility:
- Nikon N-STORM Confocal and Super-Resolution Inverted Microscope
- Nikon-PicoQuant - FLIM microscope
- OLYMPUS FluoView FV1000 confocal microscope
- Zeiss LSM880 – Airy-scan confocal laser scanning microscope
- Olympus - TIRFM
- FLIM-TIRF Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscope
- LSC – iCys laser scanning cytometer
- Novocyte 3000 RYB flow cytometer
- Becton Dickinson FACSArray bioanalyzer
Other instruments:
Updated: 2023.03.27.